Telegram ID is different for each private chat and also for groups. To find out where to get this information, follow below:

In a private chat

Access the telegram app on your smartphone.

Search for “GlorfindelBot” in the search field:

Select the option with the name “1P” and the 1P logo as shown in the image above, then start a chat.

Type the command: /mychatid

You will receive a similar response to this.

Example template: the chat_id is: XYZQKHRT

In which, XYZQKHRT is the chat_id, it is with this code that OnePlatform will be able to identify which chat you want to receive notifications.

In a group

You can create or use an existing group

Access the telegram app on your smartphone.

Search for "GlorfindelBot" and add it to the desired group

Type the command: /mychatid

You will receive a similar response to this.

Example template:  the chat_id is: -XYZQKHRT

-XYZQKHRT is the chat_id, it is with this code that OnePlatform will be able to identify where you want to receive notifications.

The group's chat_id starts with a dash, and you can't forget when adding it to OnePlatform.