With the registered cloud, environment and services, monitoring begins!

The registration of services and dependencies, can be performed individually as we will present in the step by step below.

It also can be done when registering the application, in which you register the application and then, on the same page, add dependencies (services) and addOns. The services registered by the application are also saved in 1P, and you can use the same service for more than one application.

To find out about the application registration, click here.

Tip: the same information requested in the individual registration, is also necessary if the service is registered via the application.

Below is the step by step to register individual services:

Click on "Services" in the sidebar.

A “NEW” button will appear, almost in the page header. Click this button.

In this step, you will need:

  • Enter a name.

  • Select the cloud

  • Choose the technology in the check type field (learn all the check types accepted in 1P)

  • Depending on the technology chosen in the check type field, options to configure in the method will appear

  • Enter the health-check URL

  • Set Fails to Incident

When selecting the check type field, more settings may appear according to your need.